
Moogly Maker

Moogly Makers

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

 Well, I already know what my New Year's Resolution is going to be, so I'm going to start on it now. I want to keep my blog more current! Maybe if I pick a certain night each week and aim to do it weekly, I will be able to get it done. Sometimes it seems like I can't keep up with all of the stuff I have to do, but let's face it, we're all busy. So here goes, I am going to sum up my week on here every Sunday night! So here's what's been going on for me-
I went to New York City for 4 days!! It was a very welcome Birthday present from my Mom and it was great! Here are some pics of  my Mom, Sister, and Me in the Big Apple-
View from the street 
This is as close as I can to the Statue of Liberty!
Judybug, Miranda, Me on our last night

Miranda posing
So, that was a pretty big event for me!

Since I've been back I've been working on processing Alpaca. I have some in the dyepot(s) right now! I am also trying to get all of my Christmas orders finished up. I only have a couple right now, but they are doozies!
I quess that's all for me, hope you all are well and having a great time :)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Dyeing, Hooking, Spinning.......

I found an awesome blog while searching for a pattern for Loops & Threads Charisma yarn.
She had a few patterns using this yarn, but I was really impressed by all of her patterns, especially the rainbows! Did I mention her patterns are FREE?  Always a good thing, lol! So go check this one out, you may find a pattern you will love!

As for me, I've been staying busy with SAPGAP (Spin A Pound, Get A Pound) contracts. I'm processing fleeces from raw to yarn. Washing, dyeing, the whole nine yards! I've finished my 1st skein of yarn for my 1st contract, and I still need almost 1lb and a half to complete that one. I never knew how much work goes into yarn. Of course, if you're buying it at a chain store it probably came from a Mill and then a Factory where machines did all of the work :( I would rather have handmade any day. Here's a couple pics of my 1st SAPGAP yarn-

Natural Grey Romney wool with Blue Bamboo accents.

Top left is raw Alpaca. Top right is some I dyed drying on my rigged up screens. Then on the bottom you can see my Hackle and Wool Combs in one pic and a small amount on my Spindle!

Seriously, that Hackle is as dangerous as it looks! My right index finger is covered with little pinpricks from the tips of the nails. One day I'll be able to put the wool on it without skinning myself!

Next time, I'm going to put up pics of my County Fair entries. I would put them up now, but I may have a couple of more things to enter, so I'll wait. 
I wish you success in your crafty endeavors!

I really like how this one turned out! It wanted to be super thin though. I tried to spin it DK like I normally do, but it kept going thinner so I finally went with it. It ended up being a 2 ply Sport Weight  which meant the plies were almost Lace weight. I have never spun that thin before!

OH, maybe I should show all of my new fiber processing goodies, lol!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

I'm going to ORGANIZE my Stash!!! One day, lol. Here are 3 bookcases full of yarn. I still have a plastic tote and 2 large trash bags full of yarn (mostly Redheart) I keep all of my 'better' yarns in the 2 bookcases in the living room and the yarns I use the most for hats and such in the big bookcase in my bedroom. I don't know what I'm going to do with all of this yarn. Maybe I need to sell some of it, just not the 'better' yarns, lol!
So these are my official BEFORE pictures-

Hopefully one day soon I'll post the after pics on here.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Spinning my Wheels Part 2

My spinning is really progressing. I have learned that fiber preparation is key. I like batts better than roving because it's pretty much ready to go in that aspect. You really have to work with the roving to separate the fibers, at least I do. I think it makes the wool more fluffy and full. Here are some of my more recent attempts at yarn perfection, lol-

My favorite yarn so far.
But this one is pretty yummy too!
I love the black so much that I ordered more of the fiber (twice, actually) and I am not selling it. Not as a yarn anyway. I am making a gorgeous scarf using this and a millspun yarn. The panels using this colorful yarn really set the scarf off! I plan on buying more of this fiber whenever I get the chance. Mirla Fiber Arts sells it and it is unbelievable! If you are a spinner you should check them out!

In other news, I'm booked in a vendor spot in Chesnee, SC Monday, May 27. That's Memorial Day and it's in Cada Park, right across the street from the Chesnee Town Hall. Come on out if you're in the area!

I'm going to be at the Clearwater Music Festival at Elliot Farms in  Polkville NC  August 22-25 also. I will be doing custom spins there. That's going to be a monster of  a music festival, so I hope everyone can come out and have a good time!

I'm booked in 2 more events through the end of October, but I'll wait until they get a little closer before announcing them. That seems like such a long way into the future, but it will pass so quickly!


Saturday, April 20, 2013


I've had my spinning wheel for at least a month now, so I thought it was time to mention it, lol! Here is a picture of Michael pretending to use it-

See my yarny house? I think it's pretty obvious what I like to do. Anyway, using a wheel is so much easier than using a drop spindle! There is a learning process that is still going on, but I'm making much prettier yarns now. Here are a couple of my first attempts-

I have gotten better tho. Here is the one I'm most proud of so far-

 I think it looks like gold thread wa spun around it. This one was "Navajo Plied" which means I plied it with itself by a series of loops. I'm really liking the effect you get with that.. Unfortunately it cuts your yardage by a third. So I can't use it as often as I would like. I have to have a lot of one particular fiber to do it. I've also found that it works better with acrylic than wool. I'm not a huge fan of Thick and Thin, but it's probably the best way to go with wool (at least for me right now). I tend to spin at an average thickness that is a little less than worsted weight.

Guess I better get back to sleep now (it's almost 2:30am here). Have a wonderful day tomorrow, wherever you are!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tester Photos

I've been pattern testing for Tricity Hokes Creations. This has been (and will continue to be, I hope) a great learning opportunity for me. So far I've made a dress. baby booties, and a pair of pants.

This is the dress I tested.

Pattern by Tricity Hokes Creations

Here are the pants

Another Tricity Hokes Creations Pattern

I have been very busy with orders from my Facebook page, as well. I'll be sorry to see winter go, though I won't miss the cold weather.

Here is a custom ordered infinity scarf I made. Both of the flowers are detachable. I figured that would give the customer more options for wear.

Pattern available at Over the Moon Hat Design.

I"ve also made a frog hat/diaper cover set and a couple of custom hats in the past week. I'm also trying to learn how to spin fiber into yarn. Mostly this consists of ordering more fiber, lol. Yet another way to cure my yarn obsession :)

Until next time........

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Here are two of the scarves I have finished in the last week. They are both made of Redheart Rigoletto yarn, using the pattern on the band.

The turquoise one is knit and the black one is crocheted. I prefer the knit one. The black one looks better on than in the picture, tho. It falls in soft, feminine waves. The knit one curled up so nicely tho and I love the color.

I would definately use this yarn again.

Yesterday I made 3 different sizes of mittens trying to make a pair to fit Dylan to go with his Skunk Hat. I think I finally succeeded! Now I just have to make a mate for it.

School got out at 9:30 yesterday because of the snow that never actually came, lol! So Michael spent 1 and half hour in school (meaning not here). So I didn't get a lot accomplished yesterday. Got to go to my sister's and work on his Pinewood Derby car today. Hopefully I'll at least finish Dylan's other glove today, lol.

Have a great day!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Skunk Hat

Yesterday was a good day, work-wise. I finished the skunk hat, 2 Rigoletto scarves, and started on a Starbella one. I've got a pile of scarves that need their ends sewn in. I'm going to do that this morning, lol. I hate that part! Anyway, here's a couple pics of the hat I made yesterday-

I'm calling this one 'Lil Stinker and I think it may be the cutest thing I've ever made. It's my own creation, but I really didn't go by a pattern. I've never written one before but I'll try to write this out today. I knit the fur part and crocheted the rest. I just used a basic earflap hat pattern, made some ears and added the stripe.

Well I better go wake my little one for school. It's supposed to snow later today, so I'll probably be going to pick him up early.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Some finished projects

I'm trying something new to get into the habit of posting on here. I thought it would be good if I make a post in the mornings before I start working and my son gets up. After that all bets are off, lol. Anyway, today I will finish a skunk earflap hat for my nephew (he's my model). I'm going to hate it when he gets out of the baby stage, lol. I get alot of orders just being out in public with him when he's wearing my stuff! I also am going to work on the only custom order I have right now (6 hotpads made with kitchen cotton). So not glamorous, but necessary. Then I hope to finish at least 1 scarf. I'm trying to use up some of the yarns that I only have 1 skein of because it was so expensive. I'm getting better about buying more skeins at one time tho. It's just so hard when I see a beautiful fiber combination or color! Oh here's a couple things I've done so far this week-
Well the first one posted up there ^^^. I'm still experiencing a learning curve with blogging. I'm sure I'll figure it out in the near future, just bear with me.
Link for Minnie Hat Pattern-

 These two are of the Artfully Simply Infinity Scarf made with Loops and Threads Chains.
It's a free pattern-

Here it is worn longer (wrapped twice). It can be worn several different ways. There is even a detachable button tie. You can barely see it in the first pic on the right side of scarf. I love this pattern. It's very versatile and it's free! lol.

Last there's a pic of my nephew wearing a Mickie Inspired hat I made for a customer. I really didn't use any particular pattern, just made a basic beanie and the mouse ears.I think this one turned out great! Well, time to make the coffee and get this day jumpstarted, lol. Have a great day!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I'm not doing that well keeping up with blog posts, lol! It's 4 am and I can't sleep. This is when I get the majority of my work done, tho. Once the day really starts, it's a lot harder to actually sit down and do anything. I left my camera at a neighbor's house yesterday, so no pics of my newest makes today :(

I did do a little design work on this blog tonight. I'm still learning so I'm sure I'll be moving things around again soon.

I'm trying find a salon/spa here in Shelby in which to put some of my more upscale items. I already have some scarves in a Beauty Shop up the road, and they sold really well during the holidays. I just think I could do better with the more expensive items in a larger venue. Hopefully I can come to an arrangement with someone this week. If you know of anywhere in Shelby that has the space, let me know...


Friday, January 4, 2013

New Yarns

School started back on Wednesday this week and my son was out sick on Thursday. Tomorrow's not looking much better either. Soo... caring for a sick kid trumps needlework every time, lol. That being said I did finish another It's a Hoot Scarf today.

This pattern comes from The Hook Hound. Here's the link-

It's a Hoot Scarf

I like making the hats better than making the scarves. I quess that's a good thing since I need to do 2 more  It's a Hoot Hats this weekend.

I'm almost done with custom orders for now, unless I get more in the next few days. I will be kind-of glad for the break, because I have bought so many new yarns I want to try my hand at. I'll put a couple of them up here.

Red Heart Boutique Rigoletto

 I have no idea what this will look like when knit up. It's completely different that the ribbon yarn I've been working with. Kind of like a wooly mesh fabric and you have to make your own track to knit into. I think it will be pretty when done though.

Redheart Boutique Ribbons
 I've seen scarves made from the pattern on the Ribbons label and I'm not crazy about them. So I found this pattern-

I think that will be a beautiful scarf. I'm going to pair it with the Red Heart Shimmer in Red.

Loops & Threads Links


I've never used any of the Loops & Threads yarn before, but I love the look of this one. You can't really see it in the picture, but it's made of links. Just like it says, lol. I don't know what I'm going to make with it yet, but it has a very distinctive look.

Loops & Threads Charisma

I just like the colors in this one!

It's getting late here (2:30 am) so I'll wrap this up now. Have a great day tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

1st Blog Post, Yarmulke

Happy New Year and new blog! This is my first post so I'm just going to introduce myself (Hello :) ) and say what I hope to be posting about in the future. I knit and crochet and this year I'm following my dream of doing what I love for a living. I'm not much of a designer, so most of my designs come from patterns I buy or find free here on the internet. However I have made up a few things of my own and I'm sure I'll be making more. I completed a Yarmulke for a newborn tonight and I will be posting that pattern soon. It was a request from a friend for the bris of her impending arrival. Oh yeah, I have a pic, of course...
There it is ^^
More on that later. 

I fininshed my last project of 2012 at 11:57pm tonight. It's a Minnie inspired hat for a 2 year old. The pattern comes from Repeat Crafter Me and is a free download. There are lots of wonderful designs on her site-

Ok, that's enough for a first-timer, lol! I hope that this blog turns out to be a mutually enjoyable experience for both me and my followers (if I get any). Have a wonderful New Year!