
Moogly Maker

Moogly Makers

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Spinning my Wheels Part 2

My spinning is really progressing. I have learned that fiber preparation is key. I like batts better than roving because it's pretty much ready to go in that aspect. You really have to work with the roving to separate the fibers, at least I do. I think it makes the wool more fluffy and full. Here are some of my more recent attempts at yarn perfection, lol-

My favorite yarn so far.
But this one is pretty yummy too!
I love the black so much that I ordered more of the fiber (twice, actually) and I am not selling it. Not as a yarn anyway. I am making a gorgeous scarf using this and a millspun yarn. The panels using this colorful yarn really set the scarf off! I plan on buying more of this fiber whenever I get the chance. Mirla Fiber Arts sells it and it is unbelievable! If you are a spinner you should check them out!

In other news, I'm booked in a vendor spot in Chesnee, SC Monday, May 27. That's Memorial Day and it's in Cada Park, right across the street from the Chesnee Town Hall. Come on out if you're in the area!

I'm going to be at the Clearwater Music Festival at Elliot Farms in  Polkville NC  August 22-25 also. I will be doing custom spins there. That's going to be a monster of  a music festival, so I hope everyone can come out and have a good time!

I'm booked in 2 more events through the end of October, but I'll wait until they get a little closer before announcing them. That seems like such a long way into the future, but it will pass so quickly!
