I found an awesome blog while searching for a pattern for Loops & Threads Charisma yarn.
She had a few patterns using this yarn, but I was really impressed by all of her patterns, especially the rainbows! Did I mention her patterns are FREE? Always a good thing, lol! So go check this one out, you may find a pattern you will love!
As for me, I've been staying busy with SAPGAP (Spin A Pound, Get A Pound) contracts. I'm processing fleeces from raw to yarn. Washing, dyeing, the whole nine yards! I've finished my 1st skein of yarn for my 1st contract, and I still need almost 1lb and a half to complete that one. I never knew how much work goes into yarn. Of course, if you're buying it at a chain store it probably came from a Mill and then a Factory where machines did all of the work :( I would rather have handmade any day. Here's a couple pics of my 1st SAPGAP yarn-
Natural Grey Romney wool with Blue Bamboo accents. |
Top left is raw Alpaca. Top right is some I dyed drying on my rigged up screens. Then on the bottom you can see my Hackle and Wool Combs in one pic and a small amount on my Spindle!
Seriously, that Hackle is as dangerous as it looks! My right index finger is covered with little pinpricks from the tips of the nails. One day I'll be able to put the wool on it without skinning myself!
Next time, I'm going to put up pics of my County Fair entries. I would put them up now, but I may have a couple of more things to enter, so I'll wait.
I wish you success in your crafty endeavors!
I really like how this one turned out! It wanted to be super thin though. I tried to spin it DK like I normally do, but it kept going thinner so I finally went with it. It ended up being a 2 ply Sport Weight which meant the plies were almost Lace weight. I have never spun that thin before!
OH, maybe I should show all of my new fiber processing goodies, lol!
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