The turquoise one is knit and the black one is crocheted. I prefer the knit one. The black one looks better on than in the picture, tho. It falls in soft, feminine waves. The knit one curled up so nicely tho and I love the color.
I would definately use this yarn again.
Yesterday I made 3 different sizes of mittens trying to make a pair to fit Dylan to go with his Skunk Hat. I think I finally succeeded! Now I just have to make a mate for it.
School got out at 9:30 yesterday because of the snow that never actually came, lol! So Michael spent 1 and half hour in school (meaning not here). So I didn't get a lot accomplished yesterday. Got to go to my sister's and work on his Pinewood Derby car today. Hopefully I'll at least finish Dylan's other glove today, lol.
Have a great day!
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